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Monday, 26. June 2023

Cataclysm Cooking

In this Retail Profession Guide you will learn how to level up the Cooking profession of the Cataclysm expansion in World of Warcraft quickly and efficiently. You want to level another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.

About Cooking

Pandaren have a +15 bonus to cooking due to their Racial  Gourmand. This means that recipes stay orange for 15 skill points, which can save materials and thus gold in many cases.

Cataclysm Cooking Trainer

Leveling Cataclysm Cooking: 1-75


15 x  Darkbrew Lager (30 Skin of Dwarven Stout, 15 Jug of Badlands Bourbon)

You can buy the reagents from NPCs, don’t accidentally buy them expensively from the auction house!

Daily Cooking Quests

From here on you need a Epicurean’s Award to buy recipes.
You get Epicurean’s Award through the daily cooking quests. Every day you get at least 3, but some quests reward you with 5.

The daily quests are available from Katherine Lee (Allianz) or Awilo Lon’gomba (Horde) in Dalaran. Also from Marogg (Horde, Orgrimmar) or Robby Flay (Alliance, Stormwind).

If you have enough Epicurean’s Awards you can visit Shazdar (Horde, Orgrimmar) or Jon Casper (Alliance, Stormwind) and buy new recipes. Normally, one recipe costs 3 Epicurean’s Award.


Look at the auction house to see which meat or fish is the cheapest and buy 20-25 of them. Then cook them.

If you prefer to farm the materials yourself, the easiest way is with blood shrimp. You can find them in Abyss Shell, which has the most enemies in Vashj’ir.


Look at the auction house to see which meat or fish is the cheapest and buy 30-35 of them. Then cook them.

Make Gold with Cooking

Gold verdienen durch Berufe Kochkunst

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Thank you very much!

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