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Monday, 26. June 2023

Vanilla Cooking

In this Retail Profession Guide you will learn how to level up the Cooking profession of the Vanilla expansion in World of Warcraft quickly and efficiently. You want to level another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.

About Cooking

Pandaren have a +15 bonus to cooking due to their Racial  Gourmand. This means that recipes stay orange for 15 skill points, which can save materials and thus gold in many cases.

Cooking Trainers

Leveling Vanilla Cooking: 1-300

This is a RETAIL Guide. You can find a WORLD OF WARCRAFT CLASSIC Cooking Guide HERE.


60 x  Spice Bread (60 Simple Flour, 60 Mild Spices)

You can get the ingredients for the recipe from the cooking supplies shop near your cooking teacher.

The recipe is yellow from 30, skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to craft the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


60 x Spiced Wolf Meat (60 Stringy Wolf Meat)

The recipe is yellow from 50, skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to craft the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


35x Boiled Clams (35 Clam Meat, 35 Refreshing Spring Water)

Muschelfleisch findest du in Small Barnacled Clam


25x Dry Pork Ribs (25 Boar Ribs)

The recipe is yellow from 120, skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to craft the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


60 x Goblin Deviled Clams (60 Tangy Clam Meat)

The recipe is yellow from 165, skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to craft the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.

Tip: Search the auction house for Tangy Clam Meat or Thick-Shelled Clam!


50 x  Roast Raptor(50 Raptor Flesh)

Recipe: Roast Raptor  ← Click to see the vendors that sell this item!

The recipe is yellow from 215, skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to craft the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


25 x  Monster Omelet (25 Giant Egg)

Recipe: Monster Omelet  ← Click to see the vendors that sell this item!


40 x  Juicy Bear Burger (40 Bear Flank)

There is another really good recipe for 275 – 300, but for that you have to go to Diremaul East. The recipe drops Pusillin, it is called Recipe: Runn Tum Tuber Surprise. Pussillin stands at the entrance when you enter the dungeon, talk to him, then you have to chase him through the dungeon. At the end he becomes attackable and you can kill him.
The recipe is bound when you pick it up. One of the ingredients is Runn Tum Tuber, which you can find in the Warpwood Pod throughout the dungeon.

The recipe is yellow from 275, skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to craft the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


5 x  Smoked Desert Dumplings (15  Sandworm Meat)

For the recipe you need to complete two quests: Desert Recipe and Sharing the Knowledge

Make Gold with Cooking

Gold verdienen durch Berufe Kochkunst

This is a RETAIL Guide. You can find a WORLD OF WARCRAFT CLASSIC Cooking Guide HERE.

For suggestions, improvement proposals or to report bugs you are welcome to contact me
at any time in the channel #websitefeedback on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!

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